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For general questions, comments, and concerns, please email


For more specific communication, feel free to contact any of our Executive Board members mentioned below. 

AEES Executive Board


Ella Battish


I am responsible for administrative functions including meeting planning (GBM and Executive), meeting leadership, agenda creation, and meeting documentation. This also involves the club's organization, scheduling, and coordination. In addition, I ensure SORC & SGA recognition/compliance.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the club, membership, or general questions.

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Zoe Barbour

Vice President

I am responsible for maintaining a sense of community within the club and organizing our campus presence. This includes planning and coordinating events such as the First Look Fair and Maryland Day in addition to club activities such as socials and arranging GBM workshops. I am in charge of acquiring resources and obtaining volunteers for these events.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the social activities of the club, upcoming events, or if you have any upcoming opportunities you would like to share.


Marlee Burghaus

Project Manager

I am responsible for assisting project leaders by providing resources and connections on campus. This includes arranging monthly check-ins with all the project leaders, discussing strategies for progressing forward, and being available as an overall resource or consultant.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding campus resources, our projects, or faculty connections.


Leanne Laohoo


I am responsible for all internal and external communication for the club including emails and Dive Chat organization. I keep the other Exec. Board members aware of opportunities and events going on around campus that we receive information about. My position also covers assisting in meeting documentation.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding joining our club, email list, or Discord.


Garrett Busse


I am responsible for overseeing club finances, organizing fundraisers, handling purchases, coordinating with our club KFS, and working with the president to apply for SGA funding.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about club finances, if you have information about upcoming fundraisers, or if you have questions about project grants.


Aboli Dahiwadkar

Social Media Manager

I am responsible for maintaining the club’s social media presence, primarily on Instagram. Here you can find information about upcoming AEES meetings, as well as reshared posts with other opportunities. I also take photos during meetings and events.


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or content ideas for our Instagram or any other social media platforms you want to see for AEES.


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